Saturday, March 12, 2011

Music For One's Soul

Sunset in Arusha

“Be the drum”- my mantra for the day as my fingers were close to bleeding from tediously stringing the cowhide onto the wahaya drum I was making.  We started the day at a bright and early 7 am and did not return home until 7pm- and still the drum is not fully complete.  Even though I feel as if my fingers are going crack and crumble to the ground at any minute, the end result (almost) and fun I had making it was well worth it.

Mt. Meru at the college this morning
The beginnings of a long day

Final image of drum- coming soon (maybe)
Awesome beats- coming now from my soul drum to yours 

A few more musical notes to spark your interest:  This past weekend I went to see Bi Kidude, the inventor of Taraab Music –yes, she is some where around 100 years old, no one really knows for sure.  I also saw a South African string quartet called Soweto- they were fantastic. Check them out- both are very interesting.

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