Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beautiful times with beautiful people

This past weekend I had the opportunity to stay with a Maasai family that lives on the base of Mt. Meru- not far from where I am staying. Elija and his family were beyond hospitable and made me feel at home instantly.  While they lived in what many of us would consider 'poor' conditions their spirits were far richer.

The reason for our stay was for my music class to see their choir and the influences of music on everyday life. Even though my Kiswahili isn’t great and their English only a little better, we never the less bonded over singing Bob Marley- One love.  Later, one of the children of a teacher from America was telling me that her father spoke seven languages (yeah, pretty impressive). The last language she named was music. 

On Saturday we woke up early to go on a waterfall hike around the base of the mountain, which was absolutely stunning.  

A banana flower

Mt. Meru

Found these berries on the hike and they were amazing

On the way to the waterfall

Most of the group and Prof. Stubbs!

My host- Elija

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