Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mzungu Wazimu (crazy white people)

A quick story:
I had a staring contest with a gecko/lizard (not completely sure which one, I was too busy to ask him) in the gazebo the other day.  I do not know who won - although I would argue it was me seeing as he was the first to scamper off.  Then I considered the possibility that the lizard/gecko was thinking what everyone else here laughs about-  ‘Mzungu Wazimu’.

We are crazy.  It seems our priorities got slightly distorted somehow and I cannot understand why.  Priorities are pretty clear here; in the midst of very little there can be happiness (one of the many reasons I love it here). I also love not know what time it is except for day or night, I love not knowing where I am going and when I will get there and I love not have a phone attached to my hand constantly fighting reality for my attention.  I think it is safe to say I have fully adjusted to ‘Africa Time’.

Thanks to this so-called ‘Africa Time’ on the way to our camel safari adventure our bus had to make a pit stop on the side of the road for a bit.  When we stopped a small boy came up to the bus and smiled, past him in an alley behind a few homes and some trees stood his older brothers.  We got out of the bus and hung out with these wonderful children for a while – this, along with riding a camel for the first time- made my day absolutely perfect. 

Little boy at our pit stop

The older brothers

Everyone, meet Herman

1 comment:

  1. Brittany this post made my day :) !! Love it! and Herman is the man haha
